
This guide provides with all the help you need to install or update xautic.


Install or upgrade Python

Prior to installing xautic, please ensure you have installed Python 3.6 or later. Support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 earlier is deprecated. For more information about how to get the latest version of Python, see the official Python documentation. To check the current Python version use:

$ python --version

Install xautic

Install the latest xautic stable release via pip:

$ pip install -U xautic


The latest development version of xautic is on GitHub.

To install the development release from GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/xames3/xautic.git
$ cd xautic/
$ pip install -e .

Using xautic

To use xautic, you must first import it and use the necessary public APIs that you need:

import xautic

# Create a reloader object
reloader = xautic.StatReloader()

with reloader: