Usage examples

This section provides with the code examples that demonstrate how to use the xautic for Python to live reload your code.

Prerequisite tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first have a proper Python 3.6 installation as described in Quickstart.


Live reloading

The below example shows how to debug or live reload your function or script using xautic. This setup, without any arguments to the debug decorator just tracks the project root and only the Python files in it.

import xautic

def func(*args, **kwargs):

Tracking non-pythonic files

The below example shows how to track non-python files as well for live reloading. This will ensure all the changes happening in these files are also tracked while the debugging environment is active.

import xautic

@xautic.debug(track=["/home/.bashrc", "/home/.bash_profile"])
def func(*args, **kwargs):

Ignoring files and directories based on RegEx

The below example shows how to ignore tracking of the files and directories based on their regex pattern. This is a helpful and nifty trick when you want to reduce the CPU utilization.

import xautic

@xautic.debug(ignore_patterns=["*.js", ".log"])
def func(*args, **kwargs):

Doing this will make xautic ignore all the files ending with .js and .log extensions.

import xautic

def func(*args, **kwargs):

This will make xautic ignore all the files under the _static directory.